Cleaner and Conditioner | All Floor Type Cleaning System ***E-Booklet***
Cleaner and Conditioner | All Floor Type Cleaning System ***E-Booklet***
#ultrachemlabs #CleanerandConditioner is highlighted in this brand new full color booklet like never before 😉
The rise of #NextGenerationFloors (rubber, vinyl, recycled materials) has replaced many of the conventional VCT type flooring. Unfortunately, the industry found it challenging in developing lasting solutions to properly clean and maintain these new surfaces.
This has not been the case with #ultrachemlabs as Cleaner and Conditioner powered by Electrolytic Cleaning Technology 🧲 serves as the perfect, one product solution to clean and maintain all surfaces including Next Generation Floors. In use with our #UltraXSeries Diamond pads💎, you will discover a level of performance never before witnessed in the industry.
Take a look and find out exactly why 😎 CLICK IMAGE BELOW