
our response to covid-19

update: 10/04/2020


At Ultra Chem Labs, we have been carefully monitoring the rapidly changing coronavirus (COVID-19) developments across North America and around the world. With the virus showing no signs of slowing down, we want you to know we’re here for you and will continue to communicate – in real time – the proactive steps we’re taking to support and maintain the safety of our UCL network during this extremely challenging time.

We are committed to the health and safety of our customers and employees during the COVID-19 pandemic. This blog will serve as the official source of information from Ultra Chem Labs as we continue to navigate this extremely difficult situation. We’re here for you!

At Ultra Chem Labs, we have been carefully monitoring the rapidly changing coronavirus (COVID-19) developments across North America and around the world. Our hearts are with everyone impacted. With the virus showing no signs of slowing down, we are taking proactive steps to support and maintain the safety of our UCL family.

First and foremost, your satisfaction remains a top priority. We want to ensure you that we are focused on providing as much of an uninterrupted customer experience as possible. Therefore, we are proud to announce that we are now accepting new orders on our Q-128 Disinfectant and Cleaner and will be supplying available quantities to our network as normally scheduled. 

Our Ready to Use Disinfectant and Cleaner “Ultracide-RTU” EPA REG. NO. 1839-83-68936 that Kills COVID-19 in 1 minutes, is now available to buy for Authorized Dealers and in our online store.

In addition, we are also proud to announce that Ultra Chem Labs is now supplying Alcohol-Free Hand Sanitizers. Purchases now available for Authorized Dealers and in our online store.


You’re hearing it everywhere, but it bears repeating. Social distancing is the practice of reducing close contact between yourself & others to help slow the spread of infectuous diseases & germs. This means stay as isolated as you can, limiting gatherings of people, not going to certain events, and working from home if you’re able. The CDC recommends washing your hands with regular soap & water as one of the most easy, effective ways to stop the spread of germs & disease. In efforts to protect ourselves from communicable diseases, it is vital to clean and disinfect all touchable surfaces and fixtures. We clean to remove soil/dirt which reduces the spread of germs. Then we apply disinfectant to rid the surface of all viral pathogens. This is a two-step process necessary for optimal protection.

Disinfectants to Kill COVID-19
Ready to Use Ultracide-RTU  

EPA Reg. No. 1839-83 (Stepan Company) Registered to Kill COVID-19 in 1 minutes

Ultracide-RTU (Stepan Company) – Full Kill Sheet and White Paper

CDC List of Approved Products – Search 1839-83 for full listing information

Technical Data Sheet

Super Concentrated Q-128 Disinfectant/Cleaner – use @ 1 oz/gal 

EPA Reg. No. 1839-96 (Stepan Company) Registered to Kill COVID-19 in 3 minutes

Q-128 Disinfectant (Stepan Company) – Full Kill Sheet and White Paper

CDC List of Approved Products – Search 1839-96 for full listing information

Technical Data Sheet




Optimal Hand Washing Procedure

John Hopkins COVID-19 Resource Center

CDC COVID-19 Links

Frequently Asked Questions – EPA

CDC Cleaning and Disinfection Recommendations (COVID-19

NPIC (National Pesticides Information Center) COVID-19 Virus Factsheet

As a member of the UCL family, your health and safety is our top priority. We thank you for your continued support for the community and for supporting one another as we navigate this challenging time.

With gratitude,

Ultra Chem Labs




Safely disinfect at home with Ultra Q-128


Disinfect and Clean all floor surfaces


Disinfect and Clean food preparation areas using Ultra Q-128